Wednesday, December 3, 2008

island: part three

This morning, as we walked through the woods in Lincoln, Page reached into her pocket and pulled out a piece of paper. Inspired by our entries on the topic of "island," she had written her own. As Calley charged in circles around us, she read it to me. Thanks, Page, for letting me post it!

Page Wasson

An island is surrounded by water. When standing on the edge I am at the boundary line of land and water. In the ocean my horizon line is another boundary line of water and sky. I wonder if I could ever stand on that edge? A bird would see my island from above - shapes of land with water adapting to the edges. A fish would see my island from the water - impenetrable - necessary to swim around it - land being unfriendly to fish. If I was on an island in a lake in the northeast woods, my horizon line would be other islands, hills and mountains meeting sky. I wonder what the earth would look like if I stood on my island and removed all the water? Would it still be an island or become peaks and valleys? If the water levels rise, current islands will disappear and familiar hills will become islands.

1 comment:

jamclean said...

Thanks, Page.

I'm not certain that John Donne ever contemplated the impact of global warming on islands.