Sunday, November 2, 2008

A reason to celebrate!!!!

Happy Birthday Carrie!!!

I dug into my files to find a photo. This one goes back maybe five years to New York City of all places.
Who would have thought that you would be living on the upper west side in 2008 and attending Columbia University?
The journey continues: from Lincoln, MA to Hanover, NH to Biloxi, MS to Somerville, MA to NYC with a lot of time on boats (and other things) in between.
Here is Carrie's address for those who would like to send a belated message or just give her the pleasure of having a letter in her little NYC apartment mailbox that she opens with a key.

309 West 109th St.
NY, NY 10025

We love you, Carrie!


don said...

Congratulations, Carrie! Many happy returns of the day (uggh, how traditonal!...but true!)
Q: Now that you're a grown up, have you ever tried to put a spoon on the end of your nose. Now, that's fun. Your Aunt Susie would approve and applaud if you are able to do that. Hint: it helps to put your head back just a little.

Sylvia Elmer said...

Happy Birthday, Carrie! I actually remembered without any prompting (rare) and have been thinking about you all day. I hope you're having a wonderful day!