Thursday, October 31, 2013

What a DAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Jonathan Weigel!

The golden ticket! Thanks Kate and Carrie!

"Now, I know that the President of the United States coming to Boston is not the most important thing happening here today." B.Obama

Thanks to Carrie's friend, Kate Gage, who once did advance work for the Obama campaign, we were given two tickets to hear Barack speak at Faneuil Hall yesterday.  After a long wait and a talk by Gov. Deval Patrick,  Barack came to the podium. He came to  Massachusetts to address the concerns and promise of universal health care since universal health care has been so successful here. He wanted to highlight the success of the program here in Massachusetts while acknowledging that it didn't happen instantly. A program the size of this one will take time to run smoothly.

Most of all it was fun to see him, to see him in action, to stand 24 feet in front of  him and to witness such a great teacher and public speaker. The President!

We took the MTA back to Alewife, drove home on Rt. 2, and made dinner.
Then at 8:00 the World Series came on TV. What a game.  On October 30, 2013, the Red Sox beat the St Louis Cardinals and won the World Series in front of their fans in Fenway Park. Hear that Dad?

As I said, it was quite a day.


Ruth Lizotte said...

Wow! No ordinary days for you either! Big stuff!
Thanks for sharing.

don said...

Yay Red Sox!!!
Yay, Barb and David for having the all time full day!
Thank you for "taking us along"…
Can we shave now?