Monday, October 14, 2013

Mt Massive Summit Ascent

Hello All!

Last week, during the second-to-last day of my 10-day backcountry with High Mountain Institute students, I led my group up Mt Massive, the 2nd-highest peak in Colorado (14,421 ft). Though not all students were able to summit, it was one of the few clear days on a very snowy trip, and I took advantage of the incredible weather by video-taping the ascent. HMI recently acquired a very fancy camera, and I have been having a blast playing with it!

Mt Massive Summit Video

I hope you all enjoy.



don said...

Hi, Eliza...awesome! My "first" 14'teener and I live here.
Thank you for taking me along. The looks on all the faces and the feeling of being up "there" is the best.
Congratulations to you for "passion".

Barbara said...

Mt Massive! On top of the world!
Thanks for posting this, Eliza!
And for sharing the view.

Ruth Lizotte said...

I am exhausted just thinking about the responsibility of taking these kiddos to the top of this mountain and back down again! Cold, thin air...gear...packs...and dynamics that go with kids! If you can head this up, you can do anything any school would ever want you to do!
Awesome experience for the students...and you too at a different level! I'm sending this to Peter so he can save money to send his boys to HMI! Thanks for sharing.

Sylvia Elmer said...

Wow. I'm so grateful to be able to live vicariously through you! The peace and perspective the process and summit give of the rest of the world are incredible. I felt at peace with the height and view just watching it. What an amazing achievement it must have been for all of you when you got to the summit!