Tuesday, February 2, 2010


It is February 2nd. Do you know where your glue stick is?


Ruth Lizotte said...

Oh my gosh! I am itching to join in! What a fabulous collection of valentine making materials! Perhaps I'll figure out a way to get to Portland and the grandkids in the next ten days....godda do it!

Can't wait to see what comes in the mail to me!

Sylvia Elmer said...

What a great photo and fantastic looking project! I notice a potential Ruthie influence in the painted paper- or was that a Barby influence that I was introduced to through Ruthie? The heart art on the right is beautiful!

Carrie said...

omg i am so excited to get one!!!!!
love c

Barbara said...

very observant, Sylvia! Ruth and I learned to make paste paper with Denise Kester at a workshop we took in Ashland, Oregon a few years ago. We came away with a lot of paper and use it for a variety of things!