Monday, June 8, 2009

WRBC radio/death by beets

Friday mornings will never be the same. At 8:45 am every Friday since January, I have lifted the lid of my laptop, clicked on the iTunes icon to find WRBC, the Bates College radio station. If I heard "Robo DJ", I would know that the show was successfully 'streaming' beyond greater Lewiston, Maine. I'd make a cup of tea and settle into a chair waiting to hear the early morning slightly sleepy voices of the radio hosts, Maddie McLean and Eliza McLean O'Neil.

Around 8:02 am, I'd hear the lilting greeting; "Good Morning...." which marked the start of the show. And so the riff would begin. First they announced the theme of the day which dictated what music would be played, what commentary would be offered and EVEN what the hosts would be wearing. Eliza and Maddie dressed to match the theme. We had to just believe them and try to imagine the banana outfit for the food show, the woven bamboo dress for the environmental awareness show, the tutu for the dance show, the bikinis for the 'all about summer' show and yes, the side pony tails and oversized sweatshirts over stirrup pants for the 80's show.

Each week we the listeners were asked to call in requests for songs that fit the theme.
Transportation? "Baby You Can Drive My Car", The Environment? "Paved Paradise, Put Up a Parking Lot", Food? "Wild Honey", Summer? "Summer Nights" I heard new songs and jotted them down so I would remember them. I heard oldies I had forgotten.

Our skilled hosts did station identification, Public Service Announcements, answered the phones, played calming music to wake us gently during the first hour then blasted us during the second hour to get us energized for the weekend. Most of all, they conversed in the privacy of the basement studio on Fry Street and we listened from as far away as Hong Kong, Davis, California, LA, Evergreen and Boulder, Colorado, Lincoln, Ma, Martha's Vineyard, Fort Lee, New Jersey, and Ashland, Oregon.

We learned about travel opportunities, we learned to care for the environment, we learned about animals and unicorns. We heard their childhood stories, we learned how to eat well. We were given a glimpse into college life and into a deepening friendship. It was a great run. Thanks to Maddie and Eliza for keeping it real for five months. "Streaming for the people" as they once said.

And the people loved it. By the way, our hosts were each asked along with eight other students to make a short speech about their Bates experience at the Baccalaureate service during graduation weekend. Each spoke eloquently. Are we surprised?

Keep an eye out for these two in the future. Ever heard of Cousin Brucie or Mattie in the Morning? Well, Death by Beets can't be far behind. Thanks for listening.


don said...

Miss the show tu.
Will miss U Tu.
But congratulations to U 2, 'da both.

don said...

"you can pick your friends but you can't pick your relatives.."
Cousin Brucie, circa 1962.

Unknown said...

So nicely written, and you nailed it! Made me cry. Thank you.
Gordon McLean

Barbara said...

Thanks so much for your comment!
I've been wanting to thank you for
the lovely party Friday evening.
I thought we would see you over the
graduation weekend, but never did.
All the best,