Friday, June 12, 2009


Cape Cod is the go to place for many Massachusetts vacationers. "Goin' down the Cape" is the answer I overhear at the grocery store when the person in front of me in line is asked about their weekend plans.

The ocean beach is dramatic, the bay is lovely but I prefer the ponds on the outer cape. We visited David's Aunt Florence Phillips last weekend at the camp that David's Uncle Jack built over sixty years ago, long before there was a National Seashore. In those days the Cape was considered a mosquito infested sand bar. A family friend left the land to Jack on his 21st birthday. He built a simple camp on a pond. When David was 18, Jack hired him to help him build a studio and some small one story houses. Over the years Jack sold off parcels of land to support himself. Today, the small descrete cottages that dot the woods situated on a series of ponds are the result of those transactions. Nothing has changed.

As you take the short walk through the woods, you begin to hear the roar of the ocean. The sandy path through low scrubby trees brings you to the top of a forty foot sand dune. The only way to get down is to traverse it at an angle. The beach was deserted last weekend except for nesting terns. We had a wild windy walk on the beach but I was glad to get back to the solitude of the pond.


don said...

What fun...silent, foggy.
What a treat to have a spot like that to visit...that is really part of the family fabric.
Thank you for sharing it.

Ruth Lizotte said...

Love the boat and brushes pictures! You've captured the Cape. I just talked with a friend whose mother lives on The Cape...96 years old. She calls the fire dept every morning at 10:00 to check in. If she doesn't call, they call her. If she doesn't answer, they come to her house. How's that for a feeling of community support!