Sunday, March 29, 2009

more on this

I love this picture. I realize that, except for my three siblings, no one else knows the story that goes with this photo.

It is set on Lake Memphremagog on the Canadian side where we summered during my childhood and where our mother and her family also spent their summers. On the far right is my mother, Martha, with her mother, Ruth, and her two sisters, Barbara and Peggy. Betsy, our Irish Setter is curled up in front. Just look at the comfortable ease they share, a closeness grown out of a lifetime together. On a personal note, the gesture of my mother wiping her eyes as she enjoys a good story; that would be me. Watery brown eyes swimming in laughter due to an over zealous eye hydrating system.

Behind them stands my brother Donny. The basket slung between the trees has a baby in it. The baby is me. At three months old, I was placed in a basket slung between two venerable hemlocks. I'm sure that early view of light filtering through hemlock needles and a blue sky above made a permanent impression on me. The view of family faces looking down at me must have been imprinted somewhere, too.

As for imprints, let's not forget Owl's Head.

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