Saturday, February 7, 2009

Bates in the Huts

With such a high number of Bates students spending their summers in the huts (myself being one of them), the Bates Magazine decided to get up there last summer to do a story.  Here it is (check out the video!).


jamclean said...

Absolutely outstanding, Eli!! What a thrill to have it all recorded - written and visually.
Sorry to miss the show yesterday. Were you able to get by without by suggestions??!!
Off to Martha's 30th BD party tonight in the city!!!!

Barbara said...

love the shot of you flipping the pancakes, I'd recognize those hands anywhere!!!

don said...

What fun, I really loved the narration and the flavor of it all.
Thank you for showing us! What a neat thing to be part of! And to have as a part of you.