Thursday, October 2, 2008

parents weekend

Middlebury College 1963

I started attending parent weekends at a young age.
Deerfield, Andover and eventually Middlebury College.
Here I am after a long drive from Summit, New Jersey to Middlebury, Vermont
to visit my oldest brother, Donny. Twelve years older to be exact.

Looking back on it, if you include weekend trips to Canada from
Brookline, I spent a lot of time in the car with my parents. Summer into fall,
Dad had the Red Sox game on the radio. That really
made time fly!
As I got older, Mom grilled me on Latin vocab as we traversed the
Vermont landscape. That done, I read Seventeen Magazine from cover
to cover without looking up.
Before I knew it, we were at the customs in North Troy.

Tomorrow we leave for parents weekend at Bates College.
We won't be in lockstep with name tags, though.
I haven't even registered.
Eliza and friends have taken care of the plans.
We just have to show up.
This is our last official institutionalized parent event.
Eliza is a senior.
Do grad schools have events for parents?
I don't think so.

The weather should be great.
Fall in New England.
Can't wait.


don said...

Barb and David, Pretty neat.
I remember going to classes at Goucher when Jessie was there on parents weekend. That was fun. Of course, I was counseled to "keep quiet, Dad". I remember the subject of the lecture was the throwing of yellow food bags out of plans into Afganistan to the waiting people.
Have fun in Maine. Neat blog.

jamclean said...

Such wonderful memories for us all, Barb. I've always loved that picture and can today see you glued to Seventeen Mag!

You and I seem to most fondly recall the long car rides, tho you certainly endured more than all the rest of us (cars were barely invented when Donny was that age.)

I love the thought of you and David driving through what must be a breathtaking New England countryside today with all of those (mostly) wonderful memories that the two of you share flooding through.

What an accomplishment!