Friday, July 26, 2013

Maine. Back Woods.

Lobster Lake is a wilderness lake north and east of Greenville, Maine.
After five or so hours to Greenville, it takes two slow hours on logging roads to get there. 
Once there, it is the quietest place on earth.
The hum of the gas light, a walk under a sky full of stars at night remind me that I am really far away from civilization. Plunging into cool lake water when ever it gets too hot reminds me of my childhood on Lake Memphremagog.
Loons on the lake, water lapping against the shore, wind.
That's about it.
We had a great week and there was an added bonus; no mosquitoes this year due to dry weather and at home it was up to 100 degrees.


jamclean said...

Heaven (except for the outhouse part)

Ruth Lizotte said...

"That's about it" says it all.
Thanks for sharing! What a perfect spot to spend a week!

don said...

Sounds neat...quiet, dark, clean air...
All rare ingredients in today's life.