Monday, December 17, 2012

Snow Scene

As a tribute to the snowy/icy world outside my window,  I give you my mother's painting of the Hemlocks- our summer cottage on Lake Memphremagog.  She and Dad snowshoed in one winter day  to find this lovely scene.

The book of Martha Lamb McLean art work is printed and heading out to destinations around the country (seventeen copies!). Thanks to all for your support and encouragement. I have to say it is amazing to have all (well most of) her work in one volume. As I worked on it I realized Mom never expressed an interest in having a show of her work.  She worked away for the pure pleasure of it as far as I could see and then gave things away. I have a feeling some of her work is hanging on the walls belonging to people we don't even know (her book group friends for instance) or old friends we have lost touch with.

Happy December everyone!


jamclean said...

Wonderful, Barb

Congratulations on a job certainly well done!!

I can't wait to se it.

don said...

The roots have found a warm, cozy home...amongst all her progeny. Imagine!
Thank you, Barb.
Cheers to you.

John said...

We can't wait to see the book! Thank you so much for taking the lead on this project.

And I love that painting.

Barbara said...

I meant to say, the Hemlocks painting is hanging in Barton, Vermont at the home of our cousin Martha Gordon.

Ruth Lizotte said...

I have my books and they are the best gift you could possibly give to all of your family members and it is a tribute to Mom that she would be very proud of. Thank you Barb for all your careful planning, your patient collecting, and your beautiful production! You done yourself proud!