Sunday, November 4, 2012

post Hurricane Sandy

The woods are different. Huge trees snapped in two, the forest floor is covered with pine branches, pine cones, and the paths are blocked in many places by trees that have been uprooted.
Along the roads, the NSTAR trucks have been a permanent fixture in town with men in cherry pickers fixing the lines, piles of tree trunks and branches lie in twisted heaps along the road.  The sound of generators is a constant reminder that many in town still how no power almost a week later.  Halloween was postponed (as it was last year) due to the danger of walking on streets. Wind was the main problem here, not water.

....and poor New York. Hurricane Irene last year, Sandy this year. Flooding in subways and roads. People without power still. Rising death toll. Everyone wonders, is this the "new normal?" Politicians are finally connecting  this extreme weather to the affects of climate change. Warming oceans cause hurricanes, sea level rise causes flooding.

1 comment:

don said...

Damage: Sad, temporary
Dislocation: Sad, temporary
Denial: Sad, lasting
The message? Fleeting...
1900-2010: Ocean's have risen 7". For whatever to readjust and move forward. Building codes, municipal budgets, FEMA...
Unfortunately, pain may be the best teacher!