Thursday, November 8, 2012

Ode to Pbville

Yes, folks, there is still a place in this country where you can get your horoscope and your weight read for just five cents. If you are pretty sure about your future, you can just get your weight for one cent.

At 10,152 feet above sea level this is the highest incorporated town in the United States (no problem with sea level rise here!) You feel sort of light headed and giddy all the time. The sky is blue, sun shines every day, there are wispy clouds and mountains are always in view.


don said...

Hi, Eliza...what a nice mood you have struck...esp the
quietness of the late fall sun. And we do have storms here too...full of soft, quiet snow...well behaved usually..and ready for the return of the sun!

Anonymous said...

Love the wall art and the vibrant colors of trim. Neat. Thanks for sharing, Eliza. Love you!