Friday, April 1, 2011

April 1

Big Sur, California March 2011

Common as Air

When Mrs. Weiss told us in earth science

that somewhere camouflaged within

our every lung-full of air marches air

Hitler breathed and Khruschev and

Richard Speck, I began breathing less –

shorter intakes, pauses after each exhale –

willing to endure panicky bursts of craving

in exchange for reducing the likelihood

of those radioactive atoms passing

from lung to blood to brain. If she included

mention of the Buddha or Madame Curie,

I do not remember it. Terror is airborne.

And though I have been slow to believe,

so are wisdom and beauty, the breath

of canticle and rainforest, and in such

measure as dwarfs the one or two

barbed furious parts per million of all

that is our phenomenal inheritance. How

I wish now a teacher had told us that this

is the reason, when we hyperventilate,

we get so dizzy – so much goodness

flooding our little brains it very nearly

bowls us over, tips us toward our knees.

-Brad Davis

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