Thursday, October 14, 2010

something funny

The prompt today in writing class was..."something funny"

My brother used to borrow money from me. I had a private stash of bills and coins that I had been given as allowance or as payment for doing small chores.
Even at ten I was thrifty. But when John's smiling face appeared at my bedroom door,
I was elated to have the attention of this sibling six years my senior.

"Hey, can I borrow five dollars?"
"Sure!" I was pleased that I had money. I had saved
every cent I'd ever gotten. I even picked up stray pennies when I saw them.
"Ninety nine more and I'll have a dollar," I used to think.

Time went by, summer turned to fall, John headed back to boarding school. Eventually I decided it was time that I was payed back. I had recently learned about interest
on a loan from my father. He liked to insert useful information into the conversation at dinner. It suddenly dawned on me. I wanted my money back WITH INTEREST!

I wrote John a stern letter explaining that if he didn't pay me back soon, I would start charging interest. I addressed the envelope in my most careful, firm handwriting. I affixed a stamp to the upper right hand corner and mailed it. All that was left to do was wait for a response.

On Sunday night he called. I sat upstairs on my parent's bed listening in on the extension as he talked to my parents about his week, school and plans. Before hanging up, John directed his comments to me.
" Hey Barb! I got your letter!"
I waited for the apology, the promise of what was owed me and more arriving in the mail any day now.
He continued, " I read it to the guys on my hall. It was really funny!"


jamclean said...

Oh dear!

Perhaps you mentioned this to me once in recent years. Was I, in fact, a deadbeat??!!

That's awful.


I got your letter.

I apologize.

What do I owe you?

Hopefully you and Dad didn't get to into compound interest!


Barbara said...

No, this is a story about being the youngest in the family. About those times when you are sooo serious and it is sooo cute to your older siblings that they don't quite get that you mean it.

you were and continue to be a great brother. I am sure you paid me back. Let's call it even!

Watch out with writing, you never know what might surface.

John said...

My question is what Jack used the five bucks for...

Ruth Lizotte said...

The ending was so poignant! Funny? I feel the little girl withdrawing. Thanks for sharing your writing, Barb! It's my favorite part of your blog.

Barbara said...

Thanks, Rue. In writing class people groaned at the prompt. But of course what you write doesn't have to be funny. It's your response to the idea. Many pieces were sad oddly enough.

Barbara said...

maybe I'll write about your wedding next.

jamclean said...

Such as, pussy cat for supper??!!

Barbara said...

I have SO much material!!!!!!!!!!