Sunday, October 31, 2010


Every year I wonder how to document the array of leaf colors that New England is so famous for. Orange, red, yellow and (best of all) combinations of those three colors never cease to surprise and amaze me. Giant tour buses ply their way down tiny tree lined roads showing tourists from all over the world the magnificence of New England at this time of year. Stone wall, farm field, birch and maple. This is home.

Of course those buses pass through here year round because we live around the corner from Henry David Thoreau. On many a hot summer day, I swim in his pond. He's just a neighbor, someone we take for granted. There are those who make a pilgrimage from far across the globe to see his tiny cabin and the pond where he wrote Walden. We walk in the footsteps of greatness here in Lincoln and Concord. A long lineage of writers lived here. Emerson, Alcott, Thoreau.

But back to the leaves. How to document them this year? On a rainy morning last week, I got my answer. I park my car under a maple tree that never disappoints when fall comes around. After a rainy night the leaves had dropped onto my car and were glued to the wet windshield. This is it. Autumn leaves in all their glory. Enjoy!


Ruth Lizotte said...

Thanks, Barb! Fantastic shots! You have the eye!

don said...

Now...I want some cider! Cozy.

Robin said...

love the Carmen Miranda chapeau on your license plate. clever of you to spot it.

Barbara said...

Now I would never have thought of that Robin! I like the image.

whatinspires said...

it takes a photographers eye to see the extraordinary in the ordinary, lovely photos!!!

whatinspires said...

don't forget hawthorne... he wrote something we must post on our inspiration boards, along with ' my income is ever increasing and i begin now, today, to open myself to ever increasing prosperity." unknown

" It is requisite for the ideal artist to possess a force of character that seems hardly compatible with it's delicacy; he must keep his faith in himself while the incredulous world assails him with it's utter disbelief; he must stand up against mankind and be his own sole disciple, both as respects his genius , and the objects to which it is directed." Hawthorne from The Artist of the beautiful p.s tell don whatinspires is back!