Sunday, May 3, 2009


Cardinals mate for life. This pair weathered the cold winter along side of us here in Lincoln. We supplied the black sunflower seed in the feeder. The male was stunning against the white snow and green leaves of the rhodo, his mate is a subtle brown/grey color but lovely too with her red beak and crown. Where do birds get water in the winter? I wonder. They are all set now with a fresh supply daily here on the terrace. They can even take a bath! What a life.


Ruth Lizotte said...

I never knew only the male cardinal was red! Beautiful pictures....great bowl.

Your post today was a reminder to take time to notice...the birds, the weather, the slate, the season turning.

Thank you.

don said...

Your are so lucky. Cardinals are a rarity here! Nice shooting. Obviously no cats in the neighborhood. Isn't that fun!

jamclean said...

Great shot, Barb.

No cardinals here that I've see, but I do have some not-so-pretty birds that are taking the straw and leaves from my window box pansies.

Barbara said...

Taking straw to make nests of course!
I found a nest on a ledge of the barn last year that had yellow Niki fur woven into it!