Thursday, June 12, 2008



Sylvia Elmer said...

She looks SO pleased to be going someplace. Toby's favorite place in the whole world used to be the car because he knew he wouldn't be left home.

Barbara said...

Sylvia! I knew you would appreciate this photo! I've been too busy to write much on the blog, but had to post Calley ALMOST in the driver's seat! I always put her in the way back but yesterday I had to put a lawn mower back there, so I put her in the passenger seat. When it came time to get out, she wouldn't budge. Then I lifted her out and she hopped back in.
She got a taste of the power of the front seat and didn't want to give it up!!

John said...

Now that's a dog that knows what's important!

She's incredibly cute sitting there in the front seat. Don't know how you find it in you to not spoil her rotten.

I can't wait to meet her!

Eliza said...

a big girl, just like Montana!