Monday, September 23, 2013

September on Isle au Haut

My friend Nancy invited a group of woman friends out to the island in Penobscot Bay, Maine, where we spent summers as a family years ago.  I was curious to see what it would be like on Isle au Haut in mid September having always gone there as soon as school was out in mid June. We were always there for the summer solstice, the longest day of the year and this visit was pretty close to the fall equinox, the time of year when day and night are equal length.

It was wonderful to be in this familiar place but strange to be there without my family!

We took some wonderful, familiar walks, enjoyed the almost full moon and the extreme low and high tides caused by the full moon.  Night was like day, we walked down to the pier without flashlights marveling at the moon shadows.

Rudi and Wilson were great companions on walks, getting muddy whenever possible and swimming to clean off whenever instructed. I envied them their swim in Long Pond. I wanted to jump off the dock, too, but at this time of year it was just too cold.


don said...

Lucky you! We all want to be there. But, it's fun because we're NOT! Enjoy it all.

Ruth Lizotte said...

The sunset picture is stunning! I love the rumpled bed shot too and the kitchen. You have such an artist's eye. Ah to be out in a motor boat on the Atlantic in September at "just about" the equinox....I wanna be there too!

Ruth Lizotte said...

The sunset picture is stunning! I love the rumpled bed shot too and the kitchen. You have such an artist's eye. Ah to be out in a motor boat on the Atlantic in September at "just about" the equinox....I wanna be there too!