Sunday, June 17, 2012

Landscapes, thoughtscapes, garlicscapes

My day began at the Concord Art Association where my yoga teacher leads a class on Sunday mornings. In summer we move to the terrace outside and gaze up into trees, feel the soft wind brush by, listen to planes fly overhead and church bells ring wildly for five minutes at ten o'clock. Clearly the powers that be at the Unitarian Church across the street let the children pull the  thick rope attached to the bell. I thoroughly approve.

When I practice yoga I find all kinds of ideas and thoughts are dislodged as I move. I always mean to bring my notebook along to record some of these gems. Sort of like having a dream journal to write in when you wake up. But then I get so absorbed in my practice that I can't stop to write. I didn't do any writing after all, but noted the still life quality of my little spot on the terrace. I often photograph my writing notebooks in different settings. Today it was next to my yoga mat. My teacher is a writer as well and has taken my class, so she didn't bat an eye when I uncurled myself from pigeon pose a little early to take a few pictures.

On returning home I found David puzzling over the garlic scapes. These exotic curly cues need to be cut off from the top of the plant so as not to drain the energy from the bulbs forming under the ground. What to do with them once they have been cut from the plant? They are a delicacy it turns out. Sort of like fiddle heads. An acquired taste. I could not find scapes in any of my cookbooks probably because they are not sold in stores and are available in the garden for a few days only.

I found a recipe for garlic scape and basil pesto on a food blog that I follow. They are also tasty sautéed with onions. But what isn't?
If you know someone with a garden, see if you can get them to give you some. We all have more than we know what to do with.

1 comment:

don said...

Hey, Barb...envy your beets!
So, yoga is where you get all the ideas!
But the thought is what I loved...
and the constant focus on thought...fulness.
Thank you for that small window into
the mind. Feels like balance...true luxury!