Thursday, November 18, 2010

Lincoln Writers

One by one my fall classes are ending. We have met eight times. We started in the thrill of late summer in sweaters and sneakers and now as we enter the room we look around for a place to throw our coats. It's always hard to end the session. People who write together and read together and support each other's writing and often wipe away tears on hearing something from the heart, develop a deep bond. I love every one of them for their honesty, their commitment to show up and fill the page with words.

So here are a few of the ten members of my Lincoln class. Others had to leave before I had the nerve to get out my camera. I wish I could include their writing as well. That's another project. Someone in my Concord class suggested a blog that we could all contribute to. There's always something new in this ancient art of putting pen to paper.

1 comment:

don said...

I love these snaps. Such pride and concentration in all faces is something for you to celebrate. Your comment at the end prompted me to include the link which may have started it all! Writing down the bones.
Thank you...and congratulations!