Friday, May 23, 2014

Ode to Leadville, Colorado

Coffee at "The City on the Hill"
Beer at "The Scar Bar"
 Pizza at "High Mountain Pies"

Elegant old buildings from mining days, not a chain store for miles around. Nothing growing except pine, aspen and sage.

 I love the mountains in every direction, the quiet, the thin air that is oddly invigorating. Life at 10,000 feet is special, everything clear. Light snow on May 15 alternating with sun and deep blue sky.

Eliza is in her element there. She has forged a new life far from the east coast. I was there last weekend and loved the chance to see her in action with colleagues on the faculty and with her teen age students at The High Mountain Institute.

Above is a photo taken on an evening hike with the kids. Breathtaking.


Eliza said...

No chain... except the Pizza Hut!! :-)
Loved having you... and so did the kiddos!

don said...

Hey, Barb and Eliza…wonderful photo, a reminder of a wonderful trip. Glad we could share at 5,280 ft only where things are thicker CO2'wise.
Glad for the NEW blog!!

don said...

Whoops, I meant H2O…anyone for chemistry?

Barbara said...

You Colorado people and your chemistry!
Or as you would say, I had a great time in Pdville!
(get it...Lead-Pd)