Wednesday, February 5, 2014

February 4 and 5, 2014



What a difference a day makes. Yesterday the snow was melting off the roof of the barn in a sheet of dripping water.  Today the snow is coming down in force and a soft light fills the house.

Snow day! My writing class in Concord was canceled for today and I feel the thrill of freedom, even though I enjoy teaching and will have to add an extra class at the end. But I like the feeling when everything stops.  I remember delivering Girl Scout cookies up and down Oak Ridge Avenue with Gay Parker during a snow storm, pulling a sled behind us, knocking on each door and delivering boxes of thin mints.

What are your memories of a snow day?

1 comment:

Ruth Lizotte said...

I remember a snake of sleds
feet in black goulashes
with clip down metal closures
Bellies down
feet hooked into the red racer behind
All boys
Me on the last and smallest sled
being launched into the air
and landing on the top of Lizotte's privet hedge
On the final sharp turn
That avoided traffic on Mountain Avenue