Wednesday, December 18, 2013

the whole family and visitors!

The manger was a crowded place on Christmas Eve!
Taking this photo was challenging, trying to get everyone in.
Kings- move in.
Angels- spread out.
Cows- we can't see you.
I am reminded of those five years that I directed a Christmas Pageant at 
The First Parish Church.
A living creche!
I like the silence of this one.

The only thing missing is chickens.
The South American Creches usually include a rooster.
Of course.


don said...

Hard to describe the feeling hanging over these figures…fun to look and ….look again. To feel what is there in this picture.

Ruth Lizotte said...

This reminds me of the Christmas patent at The Old Evans Valley Schoolhouse. Peter and Gretchen were sheep, if I remember correctly. Thanks for the close-up!