Thursday, November 7, 2013

November in New England

Cold nights bring out the brightest leaves. We have had a long and lovely fall with warm temperatures, some cold nights and now with leaves falling, the world is brighter. Just as the days grow shorter.

Now begins the slippery slope to winter.  
Rain today is bringing down the last of the leaves, soon to be raked up.
 Colder temperatures in the morning, so I grab my gloves and coat. The steering wheel will be cold.

More time needed now to defrost the windshield. 
The last zinnias have died in their jars on the windowsill and it was good they did because somehow they just looked wrong.  Like birds that forgot to migrate.


don said...

Brrrrr! I can see my breath.
Ah, the slippery slope….down we
go into the clutches of Jack Frost. Remember,
each snow flake is different, each day a
new gift. Struggling to get into the swing
of winter. Better as the days get "longer"
Thank you for the peek at winter's arrival.

whatinspires said...

love that line, "like birds that forgot to migrate" , brilliant! miss you so!