Tuesday, February 12, 2013

snow in arizona

As is the way with blog posts, the first shall be last, as one post gets piled on top of the previous one.
So the beginning of this series is three posts down from here. But if you don't mind reading a book back to front, this will be fine.

On the last day of our time in Arizona, as if in some kind of sympathy with the east coast weather, it snowed. We went from shirt sleeves to parkas overnight.  It was beautiful and I felt we had seen the desert in many moods and shifting light.

Words I learned/ things I saw:
Jumping cholla, So Tall, Agave, Saguaro Cactus, Prickly Pear, Barrel Cactus, Ocotillo, Palo Verde, Mesquite, Roadrunner, Peregrin Falcon, Harris Hawk, cardinal, coyote, javarina, and many many kinds and colors of grasses. 


don said...

You should name the horses, "Sunny" and "Somber" after the expressions on the faces of the buckaroos!

don said...

Regarding new vocabulary...?
Hasta la bye bye?
And of course....the famous,
Via con Dios!

don said...

Susie wants to know why the ears on David's horse are pointing out and back and Barby's are pointing up?