Tuesday, October 16, 2012

missing new england?

October is the month of painted leaves. Their rich glow now flashes round the world. As fruits and leaves and the day itself acquire a bright tint, just before they fall, so the year is near its setting. 

October is the sunset sky; November the later twilight.

-Henry David Thoreau


This post is for my readers who love New England fall but are far away. I know there are many of you out there. Most of my family, actually! So here is a dose of red maple, gray stone wall and mighty pine for those of you who are missing fall this year. Did you see David and Calley in one of the photos?

David, Calley and I spent three hours walking in Estabrook Woods this afternoon in Concord and Carlisle.  We didn't really mean to spend three hours but we got lost in the late afternoon shadows and ended up on Monument Street near Fenn School when we meant to come out at the end of Liberty Street on Estabrook Road.

The good thing about the detour was that we passed some great stone walls that I barely notice when I am driving. The best way to see the landscape is on foot and I know Henry David would agree with me.


Ruth Lizotte said...

I loved going back and looking for Calley and David! Yes, I found them. The stone walls of New England and of Scotland have always amazed me, impressed me, and pulled my camera in to take yet another picture of the color, design, kind of rock, and the idea of the backs that built them.

The painted leaves! The Thoreau quote. I am so glad you and David and Calley got lost!

don said...

Ah, the wisdom of "Mending Wall"...."Stopping By Woods on a Snowy Eve"....Time for Frost...and I'm not talking about Jack!....Love the mood.

Barbara said...

Don't forget "two roads diverged in a yellow wood"

the path not taken. We thought of Frost often as we tried to figure out which way to go and took the wrong one more than once, BUT.... saw things we hadn't anticipated.

don said...

Yup...that's the idea...
But don't forget Seinfeld's take on the whole thing..
"Y'know that road not taken?...it's supposed to inspire and urge you onto new frontiers....right? ....I was thinking the other day, That road not taken...was probably not taken for a reason...so be careful!"
On the lighter side!
I have a Middlebury Frost story too for another time!