Friday, August 31, 2012

New Mex memories

Here are a few images from my trip to New Mexico. I travel west  to study writing with Natalie Goldberg and come back with my own writing practice jump started and with new inspiration for the  classes I will teach this year.  

 Morning walk towards Taos Mountain. This is a sacred mountain and only Taos Indians are allowed on it. The pueblo where people have been living continuously for 1000 years is at the base of the mountain.

The Sugar Nymphs Bistro in Penasco on the High Road to Taos. The chef in this little cafe was once a star in the culinary scene in Berkeley, California and gave it all up to run this cafe in the mountains. 

El Santuario de Chimayo is considered a healing site receiving over 300,000 visitors a year to this tiny valley town nestled in the Sangre de Christo Mountains. 

The Vigil store in Chimayo.

 Sage smudge sticks for sale. These are used to clear negative energy out of a house or to cleanse a new space before moving into it.

And Saint Barbara!  She is the patron saint of architects (you can identify her by the tower she is holding) and provides protection from lightning storms! You want this saint on your side!

Evening at 7000 feet.  Cottonwood trees in the back and sage in the foreground.

Reading. Writers are our teachers! We learn to write by examining the writer's mind.
Here I am reading Giovanni's Room by James Baldwin. wow.

1 comment:

don said...

What a great snapshot...of a thought center.
And, of knew it would be next...
centered thought!
Quite and focus comes out of each shot
and the prose.
Lucky students to be.