Thursday, April 19, 2012

A Story, Part 3

The garage or shed as it came to be called served many purposes over the years. Before the barn was complete, it served as David's workshop. He had many admiring visitors who worked on projects there. (remember the beeswax candle making?)

But with the barn came a chance to move in and spread out and eventually the shed went back to it's original use; a place to store the truck. At some point during one of the two moves, the green doors with the windows were lost.

The Willys engine faltered and it sat for many years in the shed unused except as a home for mice and raccoons. A few years ago we decided to sell the truck. An ad in Craig's list attracted the attention of two high school seniors from the Putney School in Vermont who drove down, reached into pockets, handed us a wad of bills and towed the truck away with plans to refurbish it for their senior project. We liked knowing that there would be a new life for this old friend that had once hauled brush, trees, and little girls to swimming parties at Valley Pond.

Jump starting the truck one last time.

1 comment:

Ruth Lizotte said...

The roots of the O'Neil family are indeed deep on that piece of land! How wonderful to have chosen that sweet little cottage and, through hard work, creativity, foresight, and lots of love, made it such an anchor in all of your lives.

It's fun to look at the picto-evolution! Thanks!