Sunday, November 20, 2011

And And And....

Today's POST card is from Switzerland with a reference to a Museum of Contemporary Art. The more I look at it, the more I see. Are the yellow and blue objects and red splash of paint intentional or random? I wonder.

Thanks for sending this, Don. Welcome home!

1 comment:

don said...

In a land of watches, dare I say "horological instruments", chocolate and....and ......this struck me!
Or, chocolate bars shaped like gold bars, wrapped in gold foil....that's more like it. And what you need to pay the hotel bills!
We got home last night, showed Jessie our coveted treasures and she laughed. Wow, you guys went to China and brought a suitcase of stuff Switzerland and came back with three chocolate bars in gold foil and a couple of figurines made from resin...not wood of course! Now there's the story!
The treasures were all captures on the digital chip to share!