Friday, July 15, 2011

Hang Out

If you have followed my blog for some time, you know that I could not travel to Italy without taking at least ONE photo of laundry drying on the line. Here is the one (yes one, I restricted myself this time, looking for other themes) I took in Siena. I was reminded to post it by reading a recent article about line drying and energy use.

Your electric clothes dryer is the biggest energy-gobbling appliance in your home after the refrigerator. So hang clothes outside, or inside until they are almost dry and pop them into the dryer.

Hanging out your laundry is a great way to save some money and have great smelling sheets as well. But you already know that.


don said...

Great shot...! The message is clearer because of the composition.
In China, dryers are not allowed so lots of laundry to dry. And most apartments have attachments to the window sill which are expandable as more clothes are added. Or long bamboo poles sticking out of windows threaded through the clothes. I'll send a couple of the favs.

Ruth Lizotte said...

Love the laundry line plug. I hate to hear dryers going in the summertime! What a waste!