Monday, December 21, 2009

the shortest day

Happy Solstice everyone. Shortest day of the year. First day of winter. How will we ever make it through?

I wrote the previous post in the six am pre dawn light with wood stove warming the room, dog at my feet and a cup of tea at the ready.

Now it is evening. Today I have faced crowded parking lots that have been reduced to half their original size due to the piles of snow placed there by plows. I have seen a car with the passenger window shattered due to a slow motion slide right into a tree. I have received a series of calls from Carrie at Penn Station as she waited to see if she would get on a Boston bound train at all in New York City where everything is delayed. I have had a call from Eliza who faced low visibility due to high winds and blowing snow on the Mass Pike as she headed west for an interview. I have seen the UPS truck back up our driveway, hoping it would not get stuck and block my car in. The driver left his customary two dog biscuits next to the package in hopes that someday Calley would not bark bloody murder every time he comes. I have driven south to the train station on Rt 128 this evening with cars zooming by me in the "break down" lane, which Boston drivers appear to have turned into a "fast" lane. It is wild out there. People are crazed. Snow doesn't help these situations.

Everyone has made it home safely but tomorrow is another day in the count down to Christmas. Safe travels to all as you navigate this crazy time of year. As for my earlier meditation, its reality will come. Maybe at the end of Christmas day when we can all finally relax.


Anonymous said...

Living in New England in the winter is such a visceral experience! I love shivering with you!

Ruth Lizotte said...

Say it like it is, Barb! It sounds trecherous out there! Christmas in New England...the flip side of Curier and Ives! Great captured it!