Wednesday, August 19, 2009

notes from the field

The date should read "8 18", since I took the picture just now, in a field down the road. The very first to be seen this summer! It's in mint condition, so it must have emerged right around here (I have seen not a single caterpillar, despite relentless searching). So, a mystery. Now my hopes are up, and I'm on the lookout for more. Let me know if any show up in your butterfly garden!

The above was sent from cousin Martha in Barton, Vermont.
She also spotted a chewed milkweed leaf on her daily ramblings. We all know what that means!


Ruth Lizotte said...

Thanks for letting us know! I feel so much better! But now I'm worried about the migration south. When will that begin, oh nature guru?

jamclean said...

Nothing yet on my two window boxes or tomato plant. Didn't see any in Huntsville, either, although I'm not certain that "insects" would be welcome visitors to the "Honor Roll" exhibit.