We hiked on the "Wild and Scenic" portion of the
Rogue River today near Grant's Pass.
The Rogue River is located in southwestern Oregon and flows 215 miles from Crater Lake to the Pacific Ocean. The 84 mile, Congressionally designated "National Wild and Scenic" portion of the Rogue begins 7 miles west of Grants Pass and ends 11 miles east of Gold Beach.
The Rogue was one of the original eight rivers included in the Wild and Scenic Rivers Act of 1968. The Rogue National Wild and Scenic River is surrounded by forested mountains and rugged boulder and rock-lined banks.
Another lovely day here in Oregon. Blue skies and sunny skies.
The majestic watershed named due to the characteristics below?
Rogue: Dangerous and solitary,
unorthodox and unpredictable!
Hmmmm....Not really.
Actually, the French called the Natives "coquins", and this was picked up in English as "Rogue"...
But still running free...pity the poor Alagash...all damed up and domesticated. Sort of like the Natives!
But what a great spot to be walking and breathing around.
Q: Ruthie's pose....does this remind us of anyone? (Susie's observation)
All I need is a camel cigarette in my right hand, right?
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