Wednesday, May 25, 2011

paste paper

On my final day in Ashland, Ruth and I made paste paper. We both needed decorated papers since they can be used for so many different kinds of art endeavors. Ruth needed to make the paste (basically wallpaper paste mixed with paint) to use with students this week since she is doing a unit on bookmaking in an elementary school. Paste paper is great for book covers.

Once the paint was mixed, we couldn't resist using some of it to make our own papers. I use it for collage, note cards and book making. We got a little carried away and when a neighbor came to ask how her cancer treatment is going, we handed him the camera and asked him to take some photos. He seemed a little surprised. She didn't have to tell him how well she was feeling this week!

We did a lot while I was there, including two yoga classes, coffee (and green kale energy drinks) with her friends Marie Annette, Marla, Susan, Judy and Joy and dinner with my niece Gretchen. This is to let family readers know that Ruth is doing well at this point. I haven't seen her look so well in years. The treatment seems to be working well. May it continue to do so.

Nothing like hiking, gardening, painting and a weekly shot of retuxin to make you feel great.

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