Tuesday, January 27, 2009

small steps

Today's New York Times featured the above photo. The main story is about the Middle East but my blog audience will know why this photo makes me happy (see Jan 6 post, "thirst"). No plastic throw aways on the conference table! Glasses of clear tap water sitting on coasters. Small acts of sustainability add up and indicate a larger intention to work to reverse climate change.

Yesterday's New York Times headline was, "Obama's Order Likely To Tighten Auto Standards, signaling policy shift." The article went on: "(Obama) will also order federal departments and agencies to find ways to save energy and be more environmentally friendly. And he will highlight the elements in his economic plan intended to create jobs around renewable energy"

The oil man is gone. We have waited a long time for this.


don said...

Cheers from the sustainability state, solar and wind! But how to drive the car?
Stay tuned.

Eliza said...
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Eliza said...


...Stay tuned, indeed! Reading about bigwigs in Detroit working on electric cars makes me take a deep, fresh-air breath of relief.

jamclean said...

Baby steps, but at least they're in the right direction at last.