Eliza has a radio show!
Eliza McLean O'Neil and her friend, Maddie McLean
are cohosts on the Bates College Radio station.
Fridays 8am-10am Eastern Standard Time.
It can be heard live all over the world.
To access:
Go to your computer and type in:
press "listen"
for audio stream.
Don't miss it next Friday, February 6th!!
Inquiring minds want to know:
What will next week's theme be?
I'm still cooling down from today's jaunt to the beach. Will there be a prize next week for the third caller from Ft. Lee??!! How about some ads for the New England Motor Speedway to give the oldies more boomer cred.
We ALL want a radio show!!!
I like it!
"And it's all happen' on Friday...Fridayyyy,
at Bates College KRMAaaaaaa!
Boomin' like thunda 'cross the USofA....
on Fridayyyyyyyyyyyyy.
Be there!....."
Yes, we do need a radio show. Or to get a life...
Or jobs! How's that for a concept?
Is this fun or what?
What good timing! We can catch the last part of it here on the west coast. I can't wait!!
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