Wednesday, July 11, 2012

middle of nebraska

Who has recently experienced the middle of Nebraska?
 Eliza! and her driving partner, Zand. 

What better way to understand the vast diversity and size of this country than by driving across it?
Nebraska is a very wide state.  
Here is our traveler in our driveway in Lincoln, Massachusetts. 
Soon to be crossing a large part of these great United States and ending up in Lander, Wyoming to drop off Zand and on to Colorado where she will stay with the Boulder McLeans for awhile and then start work in Leadville (do you know that Leadville is the highest incorporated town in the US at over 10,000 feet?)

I received a text today  indicating that they have reached Colorado. 

Woody Guthrie would have turned 100 this year. Who of us did not grow up singing 
This Land is Your Land?

The song has become iconic.  The fact is that Woody was a political activist and there are verses most of us did not learn in grade school.  Hats off to Woody Guthrie. 
But that, my friends, is another story.


don said...

Safe travels...see you soon.
Skis?...or that's right, it snows here when
it's not burning!

Barbara said...

can you spot the bike? soon to return to your driveway.