Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Late afternoon in Taos


don said...

Moon rising, on the march to full
Gibbous, they call it
Hence the spirit does pull
Pull for what reason? Some poetic bit?

No, I should say, no not at all
Do you not know your phases?
An eclipse will enthrall
We must, I beseech thee, now consult sages

So mark the calendar
December tenth it is said
Last time for a reminder
So be watchful, even though in bed.

Go check your sources
Be sure of the facts
Don't make excuses
You just can't go back

Until April the year 2014!
Look up while you can...

John said...

Barb, I love the shadows and the quality of the light.

What a great look to those photos!

I hope writing is going well...