Thursday, September 1, 2011

Seas of Peace part deux (aka this blog has been idle for too long!)

Noor and I, quite sunburned!

Staff of Seas of Peace at the helm of the Spirit of South Carolina

Hello! This blog has been inactive for far too long so I thought I would post some pictures from our adventure with our Middle East program this summer. It is secretly just an excuse to look at the pictures again, as you can smell fall in the air today, it makes me a little bit nostalgic for the hot summer sun. It also makes me excited for all of those going back to school, the ranks of which I am not for the first time in years! I love school because it allows us to be aspirational and to romp around and learn about whatever you want. Everyone should go back to school! But for now I am actually happy to not be, and am quite content with the work I am doing (and getting paid for a change!) for two conflict resolution organizations, one in Boston and one in DC. I've included the websites below if anyone wants to check them out.

Institute for Inclusive Security works on women's rights and increasing women's participation in peace processes worldwide

CDA is a conflict resolution think tank that gathers research and makes recommendations to peace building organizations about how to improve their work pname=Reflecting%20on%20Peace%20Practice

And now pictures! Love to everyone!

Noa, Husny and May out on the headrig of the Spirit of South Carolina

Being on a boat is pretty much like having a group challenge during every moment of the day- bringing up the anchor, old school style included

Salma, Yarden, Melana and Husny hanging out on a deck box

Posing in our pretty blue t shirts in Portland Maine before we get on the boat

David (founder of the program) Carrie and Tim in stylish sun hats

Spirit of South Carolina coming into the dock in Boston after our voyage at sea!

No wind, so time for some pictures!


Barbara said...

Thanks for posting, Carrie. I loved seeing the photos to go with the story. You and Tim on a boat, just like old times with a new focus.

Ruth Lizotte said...

Thanks for posting, Carrie. I think you and Tim are cut out for such "work"! I look forward to checking out the websites; I've been wondering what you do!

I will be ready for school early Tuesday morning...second grade at Alameda School in Portland with Jude! I smell it in the air too. My clogs are polished, my spirits high! I absolutely love new beginnings and September's air and colors, and kids.

How fun to be living in Cambridge in the fall...makes me think of Cheryl Wheeler and how you said you would always live in New England. Rock walls, falling leaves, acorns, ....but's still summer!!!!!!!