Monday, April 18, 2011


Watercress grows in the water!
There is more to watercress than thinly sliced sandwiches with the crusts cut off.
The first greens of spring are good in a salad, the taste is strong and peppery.
Even if you can't pick your own (as I did on Martha's Vineyard last week) you may be able to find it in the produce section of your grocery store or at a farmer's market.


don said...

Hey, wait a second. Is that legal? Are you sure it's REAL watercress. I mean, we get ours at Whole Foods. In a plastic container with a label and date stamp so we KNOW it's REAL. So, I mean, is there a place on MV that certifies it? So, like, there are no germs and y'know? But it does look good.
From: NSIB. (not sure in Boulder)

Barbara said...

Good point, NSIB, foraging has its risks.
The FDA does such a good job overseeing
the food we eat that it feels renegade to just
forge ahead without them.
At McDonalds, you KNOW what you are
getting. There is some comfort in that.
No nutrition but plenty of high carb comfort.