Wednesday, December 1, 2010

December 1

Good morning everyone. It's going to be a rainy day here in Massachusetts. Where ever you are, take some time to make yourself a cup of tea or coffee and settle down with a book or magazine or sketch pad. This month treat yourself to a peaceful moment every day. You can make some time for yourself, I know you can.

I took the above photo at the Sugar Nymphs Bistro in Penasco, New Mexico. My writing class traveled the windy mountain road to get there. We wrote for two hours while eating amazing carrot cake and sipping tea. It is a bistro in the middle of nowhere it seemed, with a full theater attached! Life is full of surprises if you slow down enough to notice them.

Have a great day.


whatinspires said...

maybe together we can teach folks to slow down , man we are on the same wavelength mama. love this advent calender idea, your photos are exquisite! i feel like when i read your writing I am with you. soooo cool. have a sweet , slow day.

Eliza said...

Biggest carrot cake EVER!! I remember writing furiously, taking breaks only to shovel more carrot cake into my mouth. Fueled perhaps by the cake, but more likely by the unique ambiance, I think I churned out 20 pages of writing that morning.

don said...

Ok...I'm sitting down and relaxing. Marshmallows in the hot chocolate.
Now I want to read the French Cookie Book or the Pie in the Sky book. Handy visually but not accessible. Hmmmm...maybe Scotch in my tea next.

Ruth Lizotte said...

Judging from the frantic day I've had, I better check the advent calendar before dawn instead of after dusk!
Nice idea though............... As the Costa Ricans say, "Maybe tomorrow."

Barbara said...

Hi Rue, yes, since I post in the early morning and it's three hours earlier where you are, ideally you have a virtual paper window to open every day when you wake up! Better do yesterday's today! Maybe some slow walking is in order.