How quickly we can find wings.
Throw yourself into something. Whole heartedly.
Yes, the cold may creep in at the neck where snow has
found its way under your collar. Yes, your mittens are
soaked now and wrists chapped.
Did you ever make a snow angel?
You had to be really careful as you got up not to
ruin the image. (You don't want to step
on the stomach of an angel!)
But look what you have created! I was always kind of surprised to
see that I had made an with image wings.
As humans we are all straight lines, walking on
stilty legs, reaching out with stick arms.
But we can fly.
Find freedom where you can.
Knowing full well it may have it's underbelly
of challenge, discomfort and chill.
It's worth it.
What a way to start the day! "You don't want to step on the belly of an angel" "We can all have wings".
Beautiful....but I can feel the snow on my neck and belly. Happy 6th of December!
"we can fly" love it ! yes we can.... also cool observation about "humans are straight lines" until , of course we dance or make snow angels..... i am sooooo ready for snow!
This is hilarious! That blissful look on baby Carrie's face is too cute.
Ah, children, as angels, sent from God.
Looking at Carrie, I remember the feeling of letting myself sink into the snow. It yielded in a special way, suggesting that it had something important to whisper to me. I can see Carrie listening hard.
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