From time to time in every writer's life she asks herself, "who is my audience?" This question arises often as I write my blog. For whom do I write; my friends, my extended family, my students, my daughters, myself? Of course I write for all of the above. I often write an entry with someone in mind and then realize that it is of universal interest. In general, I try not to make it too personal. I usually omit photos of people unless they are doing something enterprising like making a garden or building a clothesline. But when I did a piece on the Brooklyn Bridge, friends asked, "where were the pictures of YOU on the bridge?"
Most blogs have a theme. People share photos of their young children. Others write about food and recipes. There are blogs on gardens, books, and Michelle Obama's wardrobe. You name it, there is a blog about it. Mine is not on just one thing. Sometimes I worry that my students who read it think, "I'm not here to see family photos! I thought this was about writing!" Family members log in and see photos of exotic vegetables at my CSA and just want to see the photos of my visit to the cousins! I started this blog a few years ago as a way to continue to write. To keep my hands moving across the keys of my laptop knowing there was an audience out there. It makes a difference if you know someone is reading your work!
With Eliza away this fall, I will occasionally use this forum to post pictures of home and of course the dog and the bounty of our vegetable garden. She can't sink her teeth into a fresh BLT full of produce from our garden, but at least she can see the possibilities of so many tomatoes! The blog has a wonderful way of keeping far flung family members together. I met my two new grand nephews this summer and I felt I knew them already, having checked the family blog frequently.
So, with those disclaimers, I am back at it. Sometimes I wonder who is out there reading. I have a few regular followers who give me feedback on line or in person (or email!) but I have a feeling there are others out there, also. I hope you are enjoying my ramblings!
The Southwest is all about textures and light sources. These pictures tell a story that could only be from the Southwest. Even the single window!
Looking into what room?, what is the view from within...looking out? Thank you for the snapshot of the world from your eyes.
as always, your faithful and dedicated devotee, these photos remind me of my trip out west many,( too many to mention) years ago. i like to think there are many folks reading who can't figure out how to post comments....
i want the tomatoes
i want to feel the Taos air
i want to write with you
i read your words, and catch up on your life
and see your beautiful children grow up and up
cambridge! what a treat for you guys
see you soon
write with you soon
just keep the pen moving
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