Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Family portrait 101

start with one niece and grandnephew

add another niece and grandnephew

have them call your sister in law who is looking for your grandniece

get out the bubbles so everyone will stay put

and click!

Thanks to Roz, Sarah and Sylvia for a great visit on Macmahan Island.


don said...

Barb...wonderful of you to record it all for us.
Thank you.

Ruth Lizotte said...

What a fun way to say thank you! I think the first one of Sylvia's long, shapely legs is a work of art! She's so beautiful I almost didn't notice the kid. (Don't worry, Alden, you'll always have a special place in my heart!)

Thanks, Barb, from sharing. I can hear the voices over the airwaves.