Friday, June 4, 2010


According to many sources, the temperatures around the world are rising. Weather patterns are changing. We are starting to see extreme weather of all kinds around the globe. Friends who travel bring back these reports. There was sun in Ireland in May (the one place you can depend on rain) and flowers blooming longer and wilder than usual in the Utah desert. We have experienced large amounts of rain in New England. At the same time it is getting warmer. There are many theories about why this is so. But there is evidence that it is true.

Plants and wildlife have begun to migrate north. I just didn't realize things would change this quickly. Here is what I saw when I looked out my window a few weeks ago! I am so glad we put a fence around the garden.


don said...

Wow, Barb....ok, that does it.
Pelicans in Colorado too. On their way from the Gulf to Yellowstone annually to summer there. Even before the oil peril.
Thank you for this as always.

John said...

Haha! What a riot! Hope the garden held up to their pecking!

Ruth Lizotte said...

The backstory is....?

whatinspires said...

link to evidence is brilliant, how did you do that? think you are onto something w/ this envirionmental writing and love the humor twist w/ pelicans" humor makes the unbearable bearable " can't remember who said it but i love it. off to nj for weekend are you home next week? lunch? how was maine, maybe you are still there?

Barbara said...

the flamingoes were put in our yard in the dark of night by teens from our church as part of a fund raiser for their service trip to Kentucky. The next day, they were gone! It was a stealth operation that actually raised some money. A new twist on the car wash, bake sale idea.