Tuesday, July 8, 2008

immortality continued


don said...

NIce, Barb.

All I can think is, "if only"'
And then, I don't
And I enjoy what remains
Which is always treasured, sometimes revered, often laughed at and about.
After all, that's the fun of it!

Thank you for reminding!

jamclean said...

Barb gets bundled up in a snowsuit and they send ME out in shorts...SSSSUUUPPPP with that??!!

Sylvia Elmer said...

Donny looks quite a bit like Carrie in this picture. Is it the eyes?

John said...

What a treat it is for me to see you all - people I've only known as adults in positions relative authority - as children, and to really understand the age difference.

It reminds me of family photos of my own childhood with me as an infant and my eldest sister, 12 years older than me.

Isn't it great to be the baby, Aunt Barbie?

And Jack, are you sure it wasn't you who insisted on the shorts? :)