From Sicily to the Vineyard to our own backyard, we see people harnassing the sun's energy. We can learn from the Italians on this one, every balcony is used on a sunny day to dry any thing that is wet. Here in Lincoln, I use the clothesline and the little dial on the electric meter does not move at all. Free drying service.
As for the Vineyard, drying towels on the line after swimming or an outdoor shower is habit. Can you imagine putting a towel in the dryer after swimming? A wet towel goes right on the line, ready to be grabbed on the next run down the hill to the dock.
Love the mop!
Same here in Hong Kong! The dryer is great for a rainy day, but with the tropical heat, clothes usually don't take too long.
The only thing is having to get used to the neighbors pantyhose and grandma-bloomers waving like Tibetan prayer flags across the way...
I'm inspired to put up a clothesline! I love the sight of clothes flapping in the breeze, in fact I have hundreds of pictures of just that from all over the world. Not in my back yard? Shame on me. Thanks for the inspiration!
What beautiful pictures up against the white background! We use our railings, chairs, hangers, door tops for laundry hanging too, but usually only for the clothes that haven't dried in the drier. Good idea to just skip the electric drier phase.
Up here on Washington, harnessing the sun's energy takes priority... our solar panels produce almost 70% of the hut's energy, allowing us to have lights, refridgerate our food, use a two-way radio to talk to the summit, and pump drinking water. Its effectiveness makes me wish solar panels were more accessible for Americans. Way to go on the clothes lines, everything counts!
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