I passed! We were given a yellow piece of paper and a box of tasteless dog treats.
To celebrate we went to Martha's Vineyard to take care of two dogs while their family went to the Wesleyan Graduation. They kept saying Obama. Is that another English word I should be learning? Everyone gets so excited when they say it!
To get there, we went on a huge boat with metal ramps and steep steps and I glued myself to the ground and wouldn't budge. There was no where to dig or sniff, no squirrels to chase and water everywhere. They had to carry me on and carry me off.
I wasn't allowed in the smaller boat, that looked like fun. I did like the beach,though. I could dig as much as I wanted to and no one told me to stop. I swam, but the water sure tasted weird.
We're home now. Things are good. They say CALLEY COME a lot and when I do, I get the delicious treats, not the tasteless ones from dog school. So I give it a try and run to them when they call and for good measure, I sit. They are so excited about this, I guess I'll keep doing it.
Gruthuduuughthruoiinnnn. (you mean you gave in to all that?)
Is that David in the boat? Lookin' good!
What a beautiful dog you are, Calley. Don't worry, you'll get your people trained to give you those tasty treats when you want them in no time.
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